Sharing In The Name Of Beauty
Our belief in the power of beauty and our dedication in perfecting the art of it, are the driving forces of our successful evolvement into one of the largest beauty chain in Malaysia.
Backed with more than 3 decade of proven track record in the beauty business, we are making our presence in the local & global market through the exclusive Clara International Franchise Program.
Since 1977, we have been actively involved in the setting up of more than 50 Clara International Beauty Centres, out of which more than 60% are franchisee-owned. Our acclaimed success in this area is attributed by our time-tested Business Format Franchise – a replication of our business practices in which we abide by.
Business Format Franchise
Besides enjoying the goodwill of an internationally recognized name in beauty, franchisees also stand to reap the benefits of our fully-integrated setup – Clara International own R&D facilities, manufacturing plants, beauty centres, beauty colleges and beauty equipment distributorship.

“As such, we are eager and more than ready to share this beautiful business opportunity with the provision of seamless support to all our potential investors.”